FireFox for Web Designers

November 17, 2009, by A. U. Crawford

FireFox is the Web Designers best friend. Addons galore that will help you with all kinds of tasks. Once you start using it Mozilla FireFox will become the most valuable tool in your web designers tool box. Here are a few of my most cherished finds.
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Browsers Galore

November 16, 2009, by A. U. Crawford

There’s no reason for anyone to not have more than one web browser installed on their computer. Different browsers are good for different things.
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What do I need with industry standard?

November 15, 2009, by A. U. Crawford

I believe in doing more with less. You can go out and buy expensive “industry standard” software such as Dreamweaver, Front Page, Fire Works… or like so many others out there with little to no money get cracked versions. But why?
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